Arrowhead Forensics Photo Series Identifier Cards – 4 x 5.375 Inches – 25/pad For Sale
- Description
Arrowhead Forensics Photo Series Identifier Cards – 4 x 5.375 Inches – 25/pad
Designed for the rigor of the bureau, this kit is primarily for measuring footwear and tire track impression comparison. Made of rigid plastic and features glare free finish. The l-scale set provides maximum contrast by featuring black markings on a white background on one side and white markings on a black background on the reverse. Alternating black and white bands provide an excellent visual reference from a distance and crosshairs at each end provide a means for checking and correcting perspective distortion.
Kit Contains:
- 1) Reversible “L” Reference Scale
- 150mm x 300mm
- 1) Reversible Ruler 150mm